Evocative Four Line Poems
by Ed Marshall
Pear Tree Publishing, 2020
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-62502-034-5
“Ed Marshall has taken poetry to a new level of appreciation with his unique style. Reminiscent of the Japanese Haiku, Mr. Marshall allows the same scant wording in a form of his own creation. The result is pure magic as your eyes behold image after image leaving the reader awed, desiring more, and wondering how did he do that? His work is pure pleasure, a balancing act of words and imagination. A must have for all poetry lovers.” Ferne Thatcher, – Poet, teacher, editor, publisher and co-founder of Clio Electric Youth Theatre
Evocative Four Line Poems
by Ed Marshall
Pear Tree Publishing, 2020
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-62502-033-8
“With the precision of an imagist, poet Ed Marshall addresses both nature and nostalgia with a loving, critical eye: only the silent birdbath witnesses the midnight rainfall; the bereft swing cherishes its loaf of snowfall. Along with evanescent gems, there are unexpected confrontations: a naked ‘lady birch’ withstands the staring of the ‘manly pines’; dueling church bells struggle in vain to stir a Sunday morning sleepyhead. Some poems are wise proverbs; others strike smiles with whimsical surprise endings because the speaker’s experience illuminates his vision and shakes out the truth of each situation. Not surprisingly, these offerings merit second and third readings to apprehend their poignant beauty and wisdom. Marshall has fashioned a slim volume of serene meditations. I have many favorites among these treasures.” – Jeannie Sargent Judge, PhD., Teacher, editor of Vyu, and author of Two Natures Met: George Herbert and the Incarnation
Branches of Time
by Lois Sargent
Pear Tree Publishing, 2018
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-62502-017-8
Illustrated by Kimberly Jane Adami
“In these poems of faith, history, love and loss, you will find many lines that will stay with you, that you will want to keep and share: ‘Being alone is not being lonely/ There is a door’; ‘The most sacred place is a tear’; ‘I find my ecstasy/in K Mart’; ‘You can’t finish a puzzle/Unless you use all the pieces.’ These poems present wisdom gleaned from a life lived deeply.” – J.D. Scrimgeour, Coordinator of Creative Writing, Salem State University
Words that Inspire, Motivate and Entertain
by Joseph G. Kalil
Pear Tree Publishing, 2016
$15.00, ISBN 978-1-62502-009-3
Poems that touch your heart
Informative, inspiring and entertaining; this book was originally subtitled ‘Poetry’ instead of ‘Words’ but the author felt that the collection of manuscripts that constitute the body of work here was more than that seen in traditional books of poetry. You will find the traditional poetic forms but he also writes about pathways to happiness and success as he describes The Cross of Life. His poems on aging are both realistic and full of humor. Health and human tragedies and afflictions are realistically portrayed. Life, love and family poems lovingly portray the human spirit. His love for nature combined with his travel experiences are evident in the resultant images that are created in his poetry. Holidays and prayers complete the wide gamut of topics covered in this book, which makes it of great interest to a wide audience of readers. Finally the history of The Dentist’s Prayer’ which he authored is reported and is in part responsible for publishing this book. With this prayer, he leaves a legacy that is not usually found until after one has passed away. Amazon Book Description
by Christopher P. Obert
Pear Tree Publishing, 2016, Full Color
$10.00, 11 by 17 inch poster
Praying for Van Helsing’s arrival
“An interesting poem about vampires praying to be human again. Their only wish that this nightmare ends, and ends soon!” – anonymous
(This poem has no connection with the “Twilight” books or movies.)
by Jeanette C. Parker
with Color Illustrations by Bernadette M. Prophet
Pear Tree Publishing, 2011, Full Color
$14.95, ISBN: 978-0-9821983-4-6
Spiritual Poetry with Color Illustrations
“It is difficult to write a summary of my life in a few words, but I will try. In December of 2011 I turned 90 years old. Funny I don’t feel that old. I have been blessed with a wonderful and quite adventurous life. Being the mother of eight children there was never a dull moment. My husband was a workaholic and loved us dearly. I have learned to let go and let God guide me. He has ever been at my side through much pain and problems. The more the pain the closer He was. My philosophy has been TO GIVE THANKS FOR ALL THINGS whether it be in pain, in problems, or in awe of HIS beauty around us. I believe this is my inspiration for the poetry I write. I never feel alone or lonely. GOD is always right with us in all circumstances to comfort us, to give us peace that surpasses all understanding. I thank GOD for the gift of simple poetry.” – Jeanette C. Parker
by Pasquale A. Emiro
Pear Tree Publishing, 2010
$14.95, ISBN: 978-0-9821983-2-2
A Wonderful Spiritual Poetry Book
“On Easter Sunday 2007, I wrote my first poem. Rather, I should say, God wrote it for me. I recall that while in church facing the beautiful decorated altar of lilies, I was inspired and compelled to write about this exquisite scene. Since then, I have written quite a lot of poems. The enclosed poems convey a variety of settings, personalities, and landscapes. They vary in thought, but underlying all is a spiritual nature. I’ve entitled them “Expressions from His Heart”, because that’s what they represent. His Heart refers to Almighty God, who inspired them. Literally, as Mother Teresa humbly said about her works, “I was the pen, but God wrote the words.” This has direct application to me as well. I hope you find them as inspiring as I did when I penned them.” – Pasquale A. Emiro
The Write Group Anthology
foreword by Gayle C. Heney
Pear Tree Publishing, 2007
$14.95, ISBN: 978-0-9749291-4-9
A collection of poems from five female
poets from various walks of life.
“The social networking dimension of poetry is ubiquitous in Japan, but in America it is a rare phenomenon. The writers of this collection have set the admirable goal for themselves to present a collection that uses a newly devised form known as “specular poetry.” …the discoveries they have made in their group’s exploration of form are worthy of attention, and the larger community should certainly take note.” – Mark Schorr, executive director, Robert Frost Foundation
A Collection of Poetry and Art
by The Greater Haverhill Poets
Compiled by Christopher P. Obert
and Charles Ames Fischer
Pear Tree Publishing, 2006, Full Color,
$14.95, ISBN: 0-9749291-3-1
Poetry by the Greater Haverhill Poets
with artwork by the GHP and local artists.
The Greater Haverhill Poets (GHP) invites you to enjoy this collection of poetry and art. All members worked enthusiastically on the project. Poets are lovers of language, of ideas and artists are visual interpreters of life and ideas. We hope that our readers will find the cooperative effort in this book a perfect blending of these two world views. The Greater Haverhill Poets have been meeting at the Haverhill (Massachusetts) Public Library since the early 1980s.

A Collection of Poems
by Christopher P. Obert
Pear Tree Publishing, 2005, Full Color
$10.00, ISBN: 0-9749291-2-3
Which side tells the better story, the photo or the poem?
Poetry and beautiful women go together like the sun and the moon. This book combines the beauty of women and the grace of poetry into one truly enjoyable, retro-1980’s style package. If the poems don’t get you, the images certainly will…
“In his poetry collection, Christopher Obert tries to give the reader visual clues of his poetry on love and rejection… Obert plays the seductive role—like a stripper slowly revealing the layers of himself through his relationships with women. But the often haunting pictures in The Visual Side do indeed add to the poetry and put a face on his passions, making the words more difficult to forget.” – Coralie Hughes Jensen, author of “Passup Point”
A Collection of Poems & Writings,
by Christopher P. Obert
Obert Publishing, 2005, B&W images,
$14.95, ISBN: 0-9749291-1-5
Excellent introduction to poetry book
“Christopher Obert has written a book of 52 short poems with subjects including nature, war, family and faith. Also included are 18 pages of author notes that provide some terminology (ballad, stanza, couplet), but more importantly, a glimpse into the creative process, which is often fascinating. Obert is honest with his comments, referring to lines with which he is not satisfied, mentioning what he thinks are his best phrases, sharing events that caused a creative spark, or lamenting moments when his concentration has been sidetracked… After reading this enjoyable collection one has a sense of the joys, frustrations, liberations, and limitations all writers face.” – Maribeth Jones, formerly of Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
E-book available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble